Snippet v0.B.080-Pre-Release 1 Out Now!

Pre-Release Snippets are snippets that mainly focus on fixing bugs, and rarely add new features. The first Pre-Release usually focuses on de-experimentifing a new act.

This Snippet will be released on as 076-16, and is the first Pre-Release snippet for v0.B.080.

Changes made in this Snippet:

  • L4-A1 is now de-experimentified.
  • Allowed the Player to finally finish L4-A1.
  • Made several changes and improvements to L2-A1, L2-A2, and L3-A1 in order to make them less confusing for new players. (Thanks, Osiris)
  • Collecting the item in L4-A1 no longer requires pressing B to make the Water swimmable.
  • Added a few arrows to the Settings Menu.
  • Added “Mused Reverie”, which has a random chance of playing in the Title Screen.
  • Added “Lobby (Alternate Version)”, which has a 50% chance of playing in the Lobby.
  • [Windows] Fixed a bug where the Ruins music in L2-A2 wouldn’t play.

Experimental Changes: These changes are only available with Experimental Features turned on.

  • Changed the Placement of the experimental portals.
  • L4-A1’s water stays swimmable.
  • One of L5-A1’s grindrails are now visible.
  • Changed Archa’s animation when on a grindrail in L5-A1.

Known Issues: These are bugs present in this Snippet that OPagel is aware about and may be fixed in the next one.

  • [Experimental Features] The propeller in L5-A1 doesn’t work as intended.
  • The Compass doesn’t disappear when F1 is pressed.
  • The Compass bobs around when HUD Bobbing is on, causing visual glitches.
  • [Android] The arrows seen in the Settings menu still appear despite there being no gamepad connected.

If there are more issues with this Snippet, please let me know.

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