Snippet b076-1 Out Now!

Archa’s first Snippet is out now!

Changes made in this snippet:

  • Changed the player speed from 7.5 to 6.3 in order to make platforming more accurate.
  • Changed the way the game detects a boss level.
  • Boss 1 now has its own tileset.
  • The camera now pans down when crouching, allowing the player to see more underneath.
  • Added a new experimental boss.
  • Added the Anubis Cooldown setting, which adds a cooldown to the Anubis Attack.
  • Added Hard Mode in the settings, where dying 10 times deletes your save data.
  • Added an animation for completing a level that ends with a carrot.
  • Added a new item in Cherry Shrine Act 1.
  • Fixed a few tiling issues in Red Pyramids Act 2
  • Fixed a crash that could happen in Cherry Shrine Act 1 when oSpikedCirclesCannon exists in the room but oSpikedCircles doesn’t.

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