Snippet b076-2 Out Now!

This is the second snippet for the upcoming v0.B.076.

Changes made in this snippet:

  • Updated to GameMaker IDE v2024.6.2.162
  • Added the “See Below when Crouching” setting.
  • Added the “Jump Twice to Double Jump” setting, which makes you double jump when pressing jump in the air.
  • Added a sound effect for collecting the backpack before the Red Dragon boss.
  • Added new projectiles and changed the difficulty of the Red Dragon boss.
  • Added a missing oEyeEnemyStop instance to Cherry Shrine Act 1.
  • Changed the sprite for Hard Mode in the Settings.
  • Cherry Shrine Act 2 is no longer experimental.
  • Changed the end portals for Cherry Shrine Act 1.
  • Portals in the lobby now have a counter showing which acts you have completed.
  • The Walking Blue Fire can now increase the player’s Meter when attacked.
  • Jumping no longer damages the Walking Blue Fire.
  • Big Robots in Cherry Shrine will now be damaged by the backpack projectile.
  • Backpack projectiles now behave differently when the Meter is full.
  • Fixed a bug where defeating the Red Dragon would result in more levels being unlocked, even if it wasn’t your first time defeating it.


Archa Windows Snippet 28 MB
44 days ago
Archa Linux Snippet b076-2.AppImage 33 MB
44 days ago
Archa Android Snippet b076-2.apk 44 MB
44 days ago

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you've only changed little things about the game but it's already been improved a lot!

however, some criticism I have for the red dragon boss though: its hard to avoid and predict where projectiles in the boss go since they fire off in random directions, and it's especially hard considering the billion other things happening that could kill you at once. it goes to a point where it just becomes a matter of whether or not you're fast enough to kill the boss before the projectiles kill you.

i dont think you should remove the projectiles altogether, because i think you can do a lot more stuff with it. maybe just not make is as random and a bit easier to predict.

also i found a bug in the same boss fight where you can clip through the sides of the screen by repeatedly throwing yourself into them

(1 edit)

I probably should’ve mentioned that defeating the walking blue fire raises your meter which, when pressing m, lets you attack the smaller projectiles. I might make it so that having a full meter attacks the smaller projectiles when pressing B too. Also, I’m aware of the bug.

Also, when making these Snippets, I took your 3-star review into consideration.